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End User License Agreement

Date of publication: 22nd August 2024

This End-user License Agreement (“EULA” or the “Agreement”) applies between TEKANTIS LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 15392452 (“Supplier”, “TEKANTIS”), and the individual or entity identified on the Order Form as the purchaser, or that has agreed to use, downloaded or otherwise procured the Software (“Licensee”, “End-User”, “you”), whereas you accept all these terms and conditions for licensing Tekantis Limited product(s) hereunder, which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and “online” or electronical documentation (collectively, the “Software Product”).

1. Introduction

1.1 Acceptance

By using the Software product in any manner, you are bound by this Agreement, as well as any terms incorporated by reference in this Agreement. If you are accepting this Agreement on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that (i) you are authorized to do so, (ii) the entity agrees to be legally bound by this Agreement, and (iii) neither you nor the entity are barred from using the Software product or accepting this Agreement under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction. This Agreement is enforceable against you and any entity that obtained the Software product and, on whose behalf, they were used. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND TO THIS AGREEMENT DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

1.2. Scope

This Agreement governs your use of the Software product. Except as otherwise specified, this Agreement does not apply to Third-Party Products, which are governed by their own terms and conditions.

2. Definitions and interpretation

2.1. Capitalized terms have the meaning as defined below in this Agreement and here:

Background Map Tile Servicemeans the web service endpoint provided by TEKANTIS that delivers map tile data necessary for the rendering of base maps within the Icon Map Pro Software product.
Business Partnermeans a legal entity or individual that requires access to the Software product in connection with Licensee’s internal business operations, such as suppliers, distributors or customers of Licensee.
Confidential Informationmeans, with respect to Licensee: Licensee’s marketing and business plans and/or financial information, and with respect to TEKANTIS: (A) the Software product and other TEKANTIS materials, including without limitation the following information regarding the Software product: (i) computer software codes, programming techniques and programming concepts, methods of processing, system designs embodied in the Software product; (ii) benchmark results, manuals, program listings, data structures, flow charts, logic diagrams, functional specifications, file formats; and (iii) discoveries, inventions, concepts, designs, flow charts, documentation, product specifications, application program interface specifications, techniques and processes relating to the Software product; and (B) product offerings, product pricing, product availability, technical drawings, algorithms, processes, ideas, techniques, formulas, data, schematics, trade secrets, know-how, improvements, marketing plans, forecasts and strategies. In addition, Confidential Information of either TEKANTIS or Licensee (the party disclosing such information being the “Disclosing Party”) includes information which the Disclosing Party protects against unrestricted disclosure to others that (i) the Disclosing Party or its representatives identifies as confidential at the time of disclosure; or (ii) should reasonably be understood to be confidential given the nature of the information and the circumstances surrounding its disclosure; including, without limitation, information from, about or concerning any third party that is disclosed under this Agreement.
Designated User(s)means the identified quantity of users, including employees, internal or external collaborators and other business partners of the End-user/ Licensee that are agreed upon in EULA Order Form or otherwise approved by the parties as appropriate for Use of the Software product.
Effective datemeans the effective date set out in this Agreement or EULA Order Form as “Effective date”. In the event that the Licensee has not concluded an EULA Order Form with TEKANTIS or the Effective date is not set out in this Agreement, the Effective date should mean the date that the Software product is made available by TEKANTIS to Licensee in accordance with required steps, as described on the TEKANTIS Website.
EULAmeans this “End-user License Agreement” executed between TEKANTIS and Licensee for the purchase of License to use the Software product as well as any terms incorporated by reference in this Agreement.
EULA Order Formmeans the “EULA Order Form” that is executed between TEKANTIS and Licensee and is incorporated by reference to this Agreement and governed by the terms of this Agreement.
Intellectual Property Rightsmeans patents of any type, design rights, utility models or other similar invention rights, copyrights, mask work rights, trade secret or confidentiality rights, trademarks, trade names and service marks and any other intangible property rights, including applications and registrations for any of the foregoing, in any country, arising under statutory or common law or by contract and whether or not perfected, now existing or hereafter filed, issued, or acquired.
Keycodemeans a password protected member account, generated by TEKANTIS, which grants the Licensee access to the Software product.
Licenseemeans the end-user who is further identified in this Agreement as the “End-User”, to whom this Agreement, as well as any terms incorporated by reference in this Agreement, apply.
Party or Partiesmean Licensee and/or TEKANTIS.
Software productmeans any software products offered by TEKANTIS and agreed upon between the parties in EULA Order Form; depending on which Software product the Licensee has purchased under this Agreement and EULA Order Form, as well as corresponding online electronic documentation, associated media and printed materials, including the source code (where applicable), example programs and the documentation, licensed to the Licensee under this Agreement. Software product does not include Third-Party products.
Subscriptionmeans the subscription-based model of Software product purchase with automatically renewal at the end of each subscription period, as determined in this Agreement or EULA Order Form.
Third-Party productmeans any third-party information, website, product, service, or materials referenced in, accessible through, or provided in connection with, the Website or Software product.
Usemeans to, directly or indirectly, activate the processing capabilities of the Software product, install, execute, access, employ the Software product, or display information resulting from such capabilities.
Use Trackingmeans TEKANTIS’s possibility to track, monitor, collect and analyse Licensee’s Use of the Software product, as determined in this Agreement.
Websitemeans the TEKANTIS website located at, along with any websites dedicated to the Software Product, including but not limited to

3. Grant of License

Software product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. All of the TEKANTIS ’s Intellectual Property Rights are and shall remain the exclusive property of TEKANTIS respectively. The Software product is licensed, not sold. TEKANTIS is willing to grant the Licensee a right to use Software product pursuant to this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form.

3.1. License

Subject to Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form, TEKANTIS grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, subscription-based license to Use the Software product at specified site(s) to run Licensee’s internal business intelligence operations, unless terminated in accordance with this Agreement. TEKANTIS grants the Licensee a right to install and use copies of the Software product by Designated users on its computer and in cloud service running a validly licensed copy of the Microsoft Power BI application and/or Power BI service and/or Microsoft Office for which the Software product were designed (e.g. “Power BI Desktop”, “Power BI Desktop Optimized for Report Server”, “Power BI Service”, “Power BI mobile app for Android or iPhone”, “Microsoft PowerPoint”).

3.2. License use

TEKANTIS may generate and make available to the Licensee a Keycode that will allow the Licensee/s Designated users to access and Use the Software product. The license to Use the Software product is embedded into the Keycode and Software product itself and is valid for Designated users (i.e. quantity of Licensee’s Designated users as agreed upon in EULA Order Form or as selected by the Licensee). Licensee agrees that the Use of Software product will only be made available for Designated users and installed on devices in direct possession of the Licensee. Licensee must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the Use of Software product, including domestic and international export legislation that applies to the Software product. The use of the Software product may be permitted to Licensee’s Business Partners only through screen access, solely in conjunction with the Licensee’s Use, and may not be used to run any of Business Partner’s business operations. Licensee is permitted to back up data in accordance with good information technology practice and for this purpose to create the necessary backup copies of the Software product. Backup copies on transportable discs or other media devices must be determined as backup copies and bear the same copyright and authorship notice as the original media devices, unless technically infeasible.

3.3. Embedding

It is technically possible to add automation and embed the Software product’s functionality into another products or service. Adding or embedding the Software product’s functionality is compliant with this Agreement, if: (i) the added automation or embedding does not exceed the quantity of agreed upon Designated users; (ii) the added automation or embedding is conducted in accordance with Software product’s Use restrictions under this Agreement or EULA Order Form.
Reporting as a service provided as a commercial service for other companies is allowed only with a prior written permission by TEKANTIS.

3.4. Trial use

TEKANTIS may allow End-users to Use the Software product in object-code form only, for a determined trial period and solely for the purpose of allowing End-users to evaluate the Software product. By applying for a trial use, fulfilling the trail use form, clicking the “I agree” button or otherwise accessing or Using the Software product, End-users are bound by this Agreement as well as any terms incorporated by reference in this Agreement and confirm that they have read and understood this Agreement. The trial use shall commence on the date the Software product is made available by TEKANTIS to End-users and will automatically terminate upon expiration of the determined trial period. Upon expiration or termination of the trial use, the granted license for Software product shall immediately terminate and the End-user shall irretrievably destroy the Software product.

3.5. Support

Licensee may request and TEKANTIS may provide support services related to the Software product (“support services”). All support services shall be considered as a part of the Software product and are subject to this Agreement and EULA Order Form. Support services are charged in accordance with TEKANTIS ’s price list and agreed upon in EULA Order Form.

3.6. Use restrictions

Except as permitted and non-excludable under applicable law, this Agreement or EULA Order Form, the Licensee will not, directly or indirectly (i) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code, or underlying structure, ideas, or algorithms of / or included in the Software product, documentation or data related to the Software product; (ii) modify, translate or create derivative works based on Software product; (iii) copy (except for archival purposes or in accordance with this Agreement distribute, lease, pledge, assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer or encumber rights to the Software product; (iv) distribute or publish Keycodes; (v) Use the Software product for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise for the benefit of a third party; (vi) or remove any proprietary notices, labels; (vii) make any Use of or perform any acts with respect to Software product other than as expressly permitted in accordance with this Agreement or EULA Order Form.

3.7. Use Audit

TEKANTIS shall be permitted to audit the Use of Software product by the Licensee in its sole discretion, which may include on-site and/or remote audits. Licensee shall reasonably cooperate in the conduct of such audits. In the event an audit reveals that the Licensee underpaid license fees and or TEKANTIS ’s support services, the Licensee shall pay such underpaid fees based on TEKANTIS ’s price list and terms and conditions in effect at the time of the audit. In the event an audit reveals that the Licensee has Used the Software product in excess (i.e. has exceeded the agreed upon quantity of Designated users in EULA Order Form or as selected by Licensee), the Licensee shall pay such excess Use of Software product based on TEKANTIS ’s price list and terms and conditions in effect at the time of the audit, and shall execute an additional EULA Order Form to affect the required licensing of any excess Use of Software product. TEKANTIS may delegate or request an internal / external collaborators or other business partner to perform such an audit.

3.8. Use Tracking

Licensee acknowledges that TEKANTIS may collect information on the Licensee’s use of the Software Product, including session IDs and IP addresses of requests to the underlying tile service, to ensure the effective operation of the Software Product. This data is not linked to individual users. The Licensee may opt in to enhanced telemetry tracking for support purposes, as detailed in the EULA Order Form. TEKANTIS does not track, monitor, collect, or analyse any data held within the Licensee's Power Data Model.

The collected information may be used for the following purposes:

(i) Modification, Improvement, or Enhancement: To modify, improve, or enhance the Software Product or the Licensee’s ability to access and use the Software Product.

(ii) Support Services: To provide the Licensee with better support services.

(iii) Relationship Management and Marketing: To maintain and promote contact with the Licensee, including managing relationships and marketing.

(iv) Compliance: To ensure compliance with applicable legislation.

(v) Legitimate Interests: For the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by TEKANTIS, in accordance with applicable legislation, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the Licensee.

(vi) Secondary Purposes: For related purposes such as storing, deleting, or anonymising information, and for statistical, historical, or scientific research.

3.9 Fair Use of Background Map Tile Service

The Licensee agrees to use the background map tile service endpoint (the "Background Map Tile Service") only as an integral component of the Icon Map Pro Software Product. Any attempt to access the underlying endpoint directly, outside of the Icon Map Pro Software Product, is strictly prohibited. The Background Map Tile Service is intended for user-generated usage only and must not be accessed through automated means. If the Licensee intends to use any load testing software, including but not limited to software for load testing a Power BI dashboard, the Licensee must first obtain permission from TEKANTIS support. This request must include detailed information about the proposed load and the duration of the load testing. TEKANTIS reserves the right to approve or deny such requests at its sole discretion.

3.10 Compliance with Sanctions

This Agreement shall terminate immediately if the Licensee or any of its affiliates becomes subject to any sanctions or export control restrictions imposed by the UK, US, or any other relevant jurisdiction. The Licensor reserves the right to terminate the Agreement without notice under these circumstances. The Licensee agrees not to use the Software product in any manner that would violate international sanctions or export control laws. The Licensee shall ensure that the Software product is not used by any entity or in any country that is subject to sanctions.

4. Payment terms

4.1. Fees and payment

TEKANTIS will invoice and Licensee will pay in advance annual fees for Use of Software product during the duration of Subscription as set forth in EULA Order Form or in accordance with the subscription rate the Licensee has selected. Annual fees shall include the price of the Software product Use for Designated users (i.e. quantity of Licensee’s Designated users as agreed upon in EULA Order Form or as selected by Licensee). Unless otherwise specified in EULA Order Form, Licensee shall pay annual fees in advance upon receipt of invoice or payment by credit card, if enabled by TEKANTIS . Payment by credit card shell be subject to the conditions separately agreed upon between TEKANTIS and the payment provider.

TEKANTIS will not modify the annual fees charged to Licensee during each Subscription year (i.e., during a period of one year), unless otherwise specified in the EULA Order Form. Upon the expiration of each Subscription year (i.e., at the beginning of each renewal term), TEKANTIS may increase annual fees by an amount determined at TEKANTIS's discretion, unless otherwise specified in the EULA Order Form. Licensee acknowledges that the annual fees are subject to change in accordance with this Agreement and agrees to pay applicable annual fees in advance, unless this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form is terminated.

4.2. Taxes

All withholdings, value added tax (“VAT”), sales tax, and other taxes or contributions required by applicable legislation, if any, resulting from the payments made to TEKANTIS pursuant to this Agreement will be the sole responsibility of the Licensee. The Licensee shall be responsible for paying any VAT, sales, use, excise, or other taxes related to its purchase and receipt of the Software Product, regardless of the jurisdiction. This includes but is not limited to, taxes applicable in the UK and in the Licensee's respective country. Failure by TEKANTIS to invoice the Licensee for any applicable taxes does not relieve the Licensee of the liability to pay such taxes. The Licensee must pay any such taxes to the appropriate taxing authority as required by law. The Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold TEKANTIS harmless from any claims, penalties, or costs arising from the Licensee's failure to comply with its tax obligations.

4.3. Currency conversion

In the event that a currency conversion takes place, Licensee agrees that it will be completed at the transaction exchange rate set for the relevant currency exchange. The transaction exchange rate is adjusted regularly and includes a currency conversion spread applied and retained by payment providers on the base exchange rate to form the rate applicable to Licensee’s conversion.

5. Terms

5.1. Term

This Agreement, jointly with rights and obligations arising hereunder, shall become effective as of the Effective date and shall continue in effect thereafter unless this Agreement or EULA Order Form are terminated. The Software product will be made available for Use to the Licensee for the duration of Subscription as determined in EULA Order Form or as selected by the Licensee. This Agreement will automatically terminate upon the termination of EULA Order Form. This Agreement can also be terminated, without prejudice to rights hereunder, in accordance with the following: (i) the Licensee may terminate this Agreement for any reason, but only after payment of all fees then due and owing to TEKANTIS , with a written notice with at least a 30-day notice period; (ii) TEKANTIS may immediately terminate this Agreement, jointly with a termination of EULA Order Form, in the event of Licensee’s material breach of any provisions of this Agreement, including Licensee’s failure to pay any fees due and owed to TEKANTIS , Licensee’s bankruptcy, insolvency or other assignment for the benefit of creditors. For the avoidance of any doubt, termination of this Agreement shall strictly apply to all Software product under this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form, their appendices and other binding documents. Partial terminations of this Agreement by Licensee shall not be permitted in respect of any part of this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form, their appendices and other binding documents. Termination of this Agreement results in automatic termination of EULA Order Form.

5.2. Effect of Termination

Upon termination of this Agreement by either party for any reason or expiration of Licensee’s Subscription: (i) TEKANTIS will cease to make available the Use of Software product and the Licensee will cease Use of all Software products; (ii) Licensee shall irretrievably destroy or upon TEKANTIS ’s request deliver to TEKANTIS all copies of the documentation and Confidential Information in every form, except to the extent it is legally required to keep it for a longer period in which case such return or destruction shall occur at the end of such period; (iii) upon request, Licensee shall be entitled to a refund for any months that the Software product was not used, but paid in advance, unless in the event of Licensee’s material breach of any provisions of this Agreement, including Licensee’s failure to pay any fees due and owed to TEKANTIS , Licensee’s bankruptcy, insolvency or other assignment for the benefit of creditors; and (iv) any fees owed to TEKANTIS will immediately become due and payable in full (i.e. termination shall not relieve Licensee from its obligation to pay fees that remain unpaid). All sections of this Agreement that expressly provide for survival, or by their nature should survive, will survive termination of this Agreement, including, without limitation, confidentiality, indemnification, warranty disclaimers, and limitations of liability.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

6.1. TEKANTIS' Intellectual property rights

All rights not expressly granted by TEKANTIS to Licensee in this Agreement are hereby reserved by TEKANTIS . There are no implied rights save to the extent rights cannot be excluded by applicable legislation. Licensee may not use, imitate, or copy, in whole or in part, any TEKANTIS trademark, service mark, logo, or other branding without, in each instance, TEKANTIS' prior written consent, in TEKANTIS ’s discretion.

As between the parties, the Software product, including, without limitation, any and all application programming interfaces, software, documentation, images, video, content, logos, page headers, custom graphics, design and user interface elements, scripts, and other materials contained therein or provided in connection therewith, and all modifications, enhancements, and updates thereto, as well as all Intellectual Property Rights associated with any of these materials are owned by TEKANTIS . Licensee has no right or license in/or to the TEKANTIS ’s Intellectual Property Rights other than the right to Use the Software product, in compliance with this Agreement, during the Subscription.

6.2. Licensee’s Intellectual Property Rights

TEKANTIS does not claim Intellectual Property Rights and Licensee retains all rights in and related to the Licensee’s data. TEKANTIS may use the Licensee provided trademarks solely for the purpose of providing and supporting Software product. Licensee represents and warrants that, for all such data provided, Licensee owns or otherwise controls all necessary rights to do so and to meet your obligations under this Agreement. To the extent permitted by applicable legislation, TEKANTIS takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any data provided by Licensee or any third party.

7. Indemnification

Licensee will defend, indemnify, and hold TEKANTIS and its suppliers or affiliates, and the respective directors, officers, employees and agents of each, harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs) arising out of or relating to your breach of / incompliance with this Agreement, EULA Order Form, or use by Licensee or any third party (authorized, permitted or enabled by Licensee) of the Software product, except to the extent the foregoing directly result from TEKANTIS ’s own gross negligence or wilful misconduct. TEKANTIS reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by Licensee.

8. Warranty

TEKANTIS hereby represents and warrants that properly licensed Software Product will perform substantially as described by TEKANTIS. TEKANTIS furthermore represents and warrants that it has the power and authority to grant the rights and licenses granted to Licensee under this Agreement.

8.1. Disclaimer

The Software Product is licensed to the Licensee on an "as is" and "as available" basis, except as expressly provided in any support package purchased by the Licensee. TEKANTIS, on behalf of its licensors, suppliers, and affiliates, disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement with regards to the Software Product, to the extent permitted under applicable legislation. TEKANTIS does not warrant that the Software Product will satisfy Licensee’s requirements beyond the scope of any support package purchased or that it will operate without defect or error beyond the scope of support specified. TEKANTIS gives no warranties, guarantees, or conditions about (i) the ability of the Software Product to perform without limitation, restriction, or interruption in any given environment, except as covered under any support package purchased, (ii) the accuracy, completeness, or content of the Software Product, (iii) the accuracy, completeness, or content of any linked sites, (iv) third-party products, or (v) the presence of any harmful code, including viruses, worms, or other malicious programs. TEKANTIS assumes no liability or responsibility in these respects, to the extent permitted under applicable legislation. The sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the Software Product is subscription termination and the return of prepaid unused months.

9. Liability

TEKANTIS shall be liable for intentional conduct, gross negligence, as well as, in situations where TEKANTIS is liable according to mandatory and/or statutory legislation. In cases of slight negligence that do not represent a breach of material contractual obligations, the fulfilment of which facilitates the performance of this Agreement, TEKANTIS will not be liable.

9.1. Limitations of Liability

TEKANTIS will not be responsible under this Agreement (i) if the Software product is not used in accordance with this Agreement and/or EULA Order Form; (ii) if the liability is caused by Licensee; (iii) if the Software product is used in conjunction with any Third-Party products for which the Licensee lacks sufficient rights from the Third-Party for such use; or (iv) for any Licensee’s activities not permitted under this Agreement or EULA Order Form.

9.2. Aggregate Liability

TEKANTIS will in no event be liable in aggregate amount or in excess of the total fees / payments received by TEKANTIS from Licensee for the Software product licenses during the 12-month period immediately preceding the event resulting in such liability. TEKANTIS will not be liable in any amount for special, incidental, consequential, or indirect damages, loss of good will or profits, work stoppage, data loss, computer failure or malfunction, legal fees, court costs, interest or exemplary or punitive damages.

10. Confidentiality

10.1. Use of Confidential Information

Confidential Information must not be used or reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of this Agreement. Any reproduction of any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party and shall contain any and all confidential or proprietary notices or legends which appear on the original. With respect to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, the party receiving the Confidential Information (“Receiving Party”) shall: (i) keep the Confidential Information strictly confidential and not disclose such information to any person within or outside its organization, except as permitted according this Agreement; (ii) prevent disclosure of Confidential Information to any third party, using at least the same degree of care one usually employs in own affairs of similar character, whereas the parties shall limit internal dissemination of Confidential Information within its own organization to individuals on a “need to know basis“, provided that there is a clear understanding by such individuals of their obligation to maintain the confidential status of such information and restriction of its use solely to the purpose specified herein, (iii) not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purpose of Using the Software product, without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party; (iv) keep all documents in hardcopy or electronic form prepared or obtained in connection with the Software product safe and separate from other documents, and not to make them available to any person, except to those employees, who are bound to an equivalent confidentiality obligation; (v) make only such copies of Confidential Information as strictly necessary for the purpose of Using Software product; (vi) not keep any copies and, at the request of the disclosing Party, destroy or hand over all documents and data obtained or prepared in connection with this Agreement or EULA Order Form; (vii) notify the disclosing Party immediately, if Confidential Information has been disclosed to or is in the possession of a third party. The obligation of confidentiality shall continue to remain in force for a period of 5 (five) years after the last disclosure, and, with respect to trade secrets, for so long as such trade secrets are protected under applicable legislation.

10.2. Exceptions

Obligation of confidentiality shall not apply and the Receiving Party shall have no confidentiality obligation with respect to information that: (i) is or becomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (ii) is already known to the Receiving Party at the time of disclosure; (iii) is received by the Receiving Party from a Third-Party without similar restriction as to non-disclosure and without breach of this Agreement; (iv) has been or is independently developed by the Receiving Party; (v) is required to be disclosed by law, or by a requirement of a regulatory body or stock exchange, where disclosure shall not occur until, where reasonable practicable, the Receiving Party has notified the Disclosing Party of any possible disclosure and the Disclosing Party has been afforded the opportunity to review such disclosure and to attempt to prevent or limit any such disclosure.

11. Assignment

Licensee may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement or EULA Order Form without the prior written consent of TEKANTIS , which TEKANTIS may refuse in its sole discretion. Any attempted assignment without prior written consent from TEKANTIS will be deemed null and void. In the event that TEKANTIS consents to an assignment, there will be a license assignment fee imposed by TEKANTIS in the amount set forth in EULA Order Form. TEKANTIS may assign its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement or EULA Order Form at any time. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns.

12. Changes

TEKANTIS reserves the right, in its discretion, to change, modify, add to, or remove portions of this Agreement (collectively, “Changes”), at any time. TEKANTIS will notify you of Changes by sending an email to the address identified in your TEKANTIS account and by posting a revised version of the Agreement incorporating the Changes to its Website. Your continued use of the Software product following notice of the Changes (or posting of this Agreement incorporating the Changes in the event your email address is no longer valid, is blocked, or is otherwise not able to receive the notice) will mean that you accept and agree to the Changes. Such Changes will apply prospectively beginning on the date the Changes are posted to the Website.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Agreement will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. The illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision which approximates as closely as possible the intent of the invalid or unenforceable provision. This will also apply in the event of contractual gaps.

13.2. Entire Agreement

This Agreement, jointly with any applicable EULA Order Form, constitutes the complete agreement between TEKANTIS and Licensee and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions, representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to the subject matters discussed herein.

13.3. No waiver

If either Party should waive any breach of any provision of this Agreement, it shall not thereby be deemed to have waived any preceding or succeeding breach of the same or any other provision hereof.

13.4. Notices

All notices shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given when delivered to the address identified in your TEKANTIS account or addresses set forth in EULA Order Form. Apart from any notice of termination or notice of material breach, which shall occur by exchange of letters in writing, the requirement of a written form (“in writing”) is met by exchange of letters or other written form, including email or other electronic means used by both parties.

13.5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement, along with any claims arising out of or in connection with it and its subject matter, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, without reference to any conflict of law principles. In the event of any conflict between foreign laws, rules, and regulations, and the laws, rules, and regulations of England and Wales, the latter shall prevail and govern. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is hereby expressly excluded.

13.6. Force Majeure

Except for the payment obligations hereunder and as agreed upon in EULA Order Form, neither Party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations hereunder in the event and to the extent that such delay or non-performance is caused by conditions beyond the reasonable control of the performing party that prevents either Party for fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement and which such Party cannot avoid or circumvent (“Force Majeure Event”).

13.7. Privacy

Licensee acknowledges and agrees that for the purpose of this Agreement, TEKANTIS may collect, use, transfer and disclose personal data pertaining to Designated Users as well as any other employees and directors of the Licensee relevant for carrying out the intent of this Agreement. Such personal data may be collected from the Licensee or directly from the relevant individuals. The Parties acknowledge that with regard to such personal data processed hereunder, TEKANTIS shall be regarded as the Data Controller under the applicable General Data Protection Legislation. TEKANTIS shall process any such personal data in accordance with its privacy policies and practices, which will comply with all applicable requirements of the General Data Protection Legislation.